What does the future of cash management look like?

Part 3: What does the future of cash management look like?

In the final part of our Why is Cash Management So Hard podcast, Neil Vernon and Bill Wrest explore some of the treasury challenges faced by large, complex organisations. Neil talks about Gresham’s partnership with ANZ and creating an honest, collaborative relationship, whilst Bill talks about regulatory initiatives including PSD II and Open Banking and why collaboration is key for survival in the future. We also look at the impact challenger banks are having in the corporate treasury space, how banks should look to own the customer journey without necessarily doing everything themselves, and finally a question which is perhaps yet to be properly considered by the industry – what role does treasury play in tackling the climate change problem and how can we do cash management in a green way?

If you missed parts one and two, click here to listen to part one, where Bill and Neil share their thoughts on what makes cash management such a difficult problem to tackle, and here to listen to Bill and Neil's discussion on what cash management customers actually want, in part two.



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