Banking and Payments

Accelerate digital transformation without compromising on control

Digital transformation requires full integration

The banking industry is being disrupted by challenger banks prioritising innovation through:

  • Data
  • Cloud computing
  • Integration
  • Outsourcing strategies

This allows them to quickly launch sophisticated digital offerings to meet rising customer expectations. However, many incumbent banks struggle to match this pace due to legacy systems and outdated data infrastructures.

Integration enables control

While incumbents are turning to cloud-native services for agility, proper integration across systems and services is imperative. Without seamless connectivity, processes break down, errors go undetected and data accuracy suffers, compromising control over operations.

Modern controls for digital banking

Furthermore, incumbent banks' existing control frameworks are often inadequate for the real-time, digital banking environment. Attempting to mesh legacy technology with cloud tech, batch data processing with instantaneous payments means their control solutions can’t keep up with the demands.

Both new and traditional retail and commercial banks and payments and card providers need modern solutions to accelerate innovation and meet evolving customer needs through digital transformation, while maintaining full operational control. 

At Gresham, we provide the integrated data connectivity, automation and advanced controls required to achieve digital agility with confidence.


Thrive in an increasingly innovative and demanding world

The unique combination of our Connect and Control solutions enables you to outsource connectivity requirements to our experts. We guarantee simple, fast integration with any third parties, handling all updates and changes. Then we provide full operational assurance through fully automated reconciliations and controls.

Modernise legacy banking systems

Our data-agnostic solutions absorb legacy data across disparate formats and systems, creating flexible, scalable controls to support your banking and payments business. Our expertise solves key challenges, helping you establish real-time controls, overcome technological inefficiencies and consolidate control functions.

Achieve true data integration

You can easily connect data across various systems and sources, providing strong integration in the process. Our solutions eliminate errors, instilling confidence in processes and data integrity. Enable same-day controls for same-day payments.

Simplified payments processing

With automated reconciliations and streamlined connectivity management, you can efficiently process SWIFT MT and MX messages adhering to ISO 20022 financial standards.


“This current phase of control automation is just the beginning for us, consisting of our most time-consuming legacy controls which we have been unable to automate through other means. In the near future we are looking to utilise the power of Gresham’s Control on much higher volume controls, processing millions of records per day to ensure that not even one customer journey has been negatively impacted by an incomplete or inaccurate transaction.”
Richard Draper, Head of Control – Payments, Corporate and Business Banking, Santander UK

Use our solutions for

Retail banking controls

Payment controls

Intelligent connectivity

Message transformation

Data transformation

Digital banking

Legacy replacement

Regulatory compliance

Customer stories

case study

Creating robust, flexible retail controls with Santander UK

case study

Building a digital neo-bank with a major financial services firm

Where to next?


Discover how Gresham's products can put you in control of your data, operations and growth

Customer stories

See what our customers have achieved with Connect and Control

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