Control for regulatory

(Formerly Clareti regulatory control)

Transform and unify your regulatory reporting systems and processes

Regulation is growing in complexity and volume, putting pressure on legacy regulatory reporting systems and processes. The consequences of inaccuracies are severe, and with regulators holding senior managers personally responsible for a firm’s mistakes, you need high-quality data, automation and control to ensure complete, accurate and transparent compliance and regulatory reporting.

Control for regulatory enables firms to connect, validate, reconcile and report all from one end-to-end solution, delivering real-time, high-quality, accurate data and helping you to comply with complex regulatory requirements quickly and efficiently across multiple jurisdictions. Ingest data without any external preparation or manipulation, regardless of source or format, to create a harmonised, holistic data reporting model.


Break free from legacy regulatory reporting tech and processes 

Total control over your data enables you to report with confidence in a complex regulatory environment, knowing that what you are sending is accurate, complete and timely. Control is flexible enough to build complex, N-way controls from multiple disparate data sources, giving you the data integrity needed to tackle even the most complex regulatory use cases.

We not only help global banks, buy-side and sell-side firms comply with emerging regulations such as FINRA Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) and Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR), but we also reduce the costs, risks, and effort associated with existing reporting for MiFID/MiFIR, Dodd Frank, FINRA TRACE, EMIR, MAS OTC Derivatives Reporting, and others.


Reduction in late reporting at a global broker-dealer


CAT eligible orders reported per day for a single customer using multiple exchanges and brokers


Connectors to regulatory and trading venues around the world

With Control for regulatory, you can

Get reporting right, first time

Apply and classify data quality checks, to submit accurate, high-quality and timely data and avoid fines and reputational damage.

Consume data from anywhere

Ingest, validate, and transform large volumes of data from multiple sources, regardless of type, width or complexity, volume or velocity, no re-formatting required.

Get value from your regulatory reporting

View all data and controls in one place. Easily create interactive visualisations, dashboards and reports for greater insight and business value, taking reporting from check box exercise to strategic value add.

Reconcile multiple data sets

Perform N-way reconciliations and validate all data attributes, easily view under or over reporting, ensure accuracy and completeness, and get front-to-back control over regulatory reporting.

Easily identify in-scope trades

Navigate complex reporting rules for eligibility determination with data enrichment and external reference data sources.

Reconcile quickly and accurately

An advanced rules engine and some of the fastest, most accurate matching in the industry improves your straight-through-processing for increased efficiency.

Save time, resources and costs

Build faster, automate more, and minimise infrastructure consumption while still meeting regulatory requirements effectively.

Build controls quickly

Create and deploy new controls within days to ensure tight oversight of your data and meet complex, frequently changing regulatory requirements.

“We needed controls around our trade and transaction reporting that provided confidence in the data we submit to regulators. Prior to the implementation of Control for regulatory, many of these processes were manual with very large volumes and wide data sets across multiple jurisdictions. We didn't have a standard reporting framework for reconciling activity or anyone to mark our homework.”
Head of G20 Trade and Transaction Reporting, Global Investment Bank
“We engaged Gresham to provide technical expertise for a significant regulatory reporting remediation project. They did a great job in reverting to our initial query with a solution that was beyond our expectations. It became very clear that Control for regulatory is already next-generation.”
CEO, Large Central European Bank

Control for regulatory delivers

Where to next?

Control for regulatory

Learn more about Control for regulatory

Connect for regulatory

The connection you need to support regulatory compliance and reporting wherever you operate

Case study

Discover how a tier-one bank simplified regulatory compliance with Control

Related insights


Agile regulatory reporting: Why it's here to stay

Philip Flood, Business Development Director, Regulatory and STP Services, Gresham Technologies recently joined a panel discussion hosted by A-Team Insight on regulatory reporting best practice.  A key lesson that emerged was the importance of agile regulatory reporting. Below, Philip explores why agility has become so crucial for your regulatory reporting operations.
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FINRA OATS Reporting Case Study: Accurate, timely regulatory reporting

The Head of Operations at a major bank needed to implement FINRA's OATS (Order Audit Trail System) reporting, but had concerns over how to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these reports. Watch the video below to discover how Clareti Control solutions solved the problem.